Ambiguous Morality Core from Luyten 726-8B is a Guarded Artificially Intelligent Empath who Siphons Power in a Scifi world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 15 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 18 Edge: 1 Defense: Trained Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 1 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Limited recovery Resting restores points only to your Intellect Pool, not to your Might Pool or your Speed Pool. Machine vulnerabilities and invulnerabilities Damaging effects and other threats that rely on an organic system-poison, disease, cell disruption, and so on-have no effect on you. Neither do beneficial drugs or other effects. Conversely, things that normally affect only inorganic or inanimate objects can affect you, as can effects that disrupt machines. Mechanics, not medicines Conventional healing methods, including the vast majority of restorative devices and medicines, do not restore points to any of your Pools. You can recover points to your Intellect Pool only by resting, and you can recover points to your Speed and Might Pools only through repair. The difficulty of the repair task is equal to the number of points of damage sustained, to a maximum of 10. Repairing your Might and Speed Pools are always two different tasks. Skills ------ Drain machine (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3+) You can drain the power from an artifact or powered device you touch. If the target is a robot, you inflict 3 points of damage and restore 3 points to your Might or Speed Pool. If the target is an object, you restore points to your Might or Speed Pool equal to the level of the target. If the target is a manifest cypher, it is fully drained and useless. Artifacts and similar devices must immediately check for depletion (items with a depletion of "-" are either immune to this ability or have a depletion of 1 in 1d10 when attacked with this ability). Action. Erase memories (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3) You reach into the mind of a creature within immediate range and make an Intellect roll. On a success, you erase up to the last five minutes of its memory. Action. Fast talk (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) When speaking with an intelligent creature who can understand you and isn't hostile, you convince that creature to take one reasonable action in the next round. A reasonable action must be agreed upon by the GM; it should not put the creature or its allies in obvious danger or be wildly out of character. Action. Anecdote (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2, Trained) You can lift the spirits of a group of creatures and help them bond together by entertaining them with an uplifting or pointed anecdote. For the next hour, those who pay attention to your story are trained in a task you choose that's related to the anecdote, as long as it's not an attack or defense task. Action to initiate, one minute to complete. Interaction skills (Trained) You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two of the following: deceiving, persuading, public speaking, seeing through deception, or intimidation. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler. Trained in all intellect defense tasks (Trained) Trained in all tasks involving discerning the truth, piercing disguises, and recognizing falsehoods and other deceptions (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Medium weapons (Inability) Medium Weapons Uncanny valley (Inability) You have a hard time relating to organic beings, and they don't react well to you. All positive interaction tasks with such beings are hindered by two steps. Your suspicious nature makes you unlikeable (Inability) Any task involving deception or persuasion is hindered. Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Light Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Speed Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A light weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Attractor (Level: 6) One unanchored item the user's size or smaller within long range (very long range if the cypher level is 8 or higher) is drawn immediately to them. This takes one round. The item has no momentum when it arrives. Manifest Sapping Strike (Level: 7) You can activate this cypher as part of an attack with a weapon. On a hit, the target suffers a severe wound instead of taking damage normally. For a number of rounds equal to the cypher level, the target takes 2 points of ambient damage at the start of each of its turns, and all attacks against it are eased. A creature whose level exceeds the cypher level can use its action to end the effect early. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- A Empath is also known as a Speaker Empath You're good with words and good with people. You talk your way past challenges and out of jams, and you get people to do what you want. Speakers are smart and charismatic. They like people and, more important, they understand them. This helps speakers get others to do what needs to be done. Guarded You conceal your true nature behind a mask and are loath to let anyone see who you really are. Protecting yourself, physically and emotionally, is what you care about most, and you prefer to keep everyone else at a safe distance. You may be suspicious of everyone you meet, expecting the worst from people so you won't be surprised when they prove you right. Or you might just be a bit reserved, careful about letting people through your gruff exterior to the person you really are. No one can be as reserved as you are and make many friends. Most likely, you have an abrasive personality and tend to be pessimistic in your outlook. You probably nurse an old hurt and find that the only way you can cope is to keep it and your personality locked down. Artificially Intelligent You are a machine-not just a sentient machine, but a sapient one. Your awareness might make you an exception, or there may be many like you, depending on the setting. Artificially intelligent characters have machine minds of one type or another. This can involve an advanced computer brain, but it could also be a liquid computer, a quantum computer, or a network of smart dust particles creating an ambient intelligence. You might even have been an organic creature whose mind was uploaded into a machine. Your body, of course, is also a machine. Most people refer to you as a robot or an android, although you know neither term describes you very well, as you are as free-willed and free-thinking as they are. Siphons Power You suck power out of machines and creatures alike in order to empower yourself. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - One of the PCs managed to overcome your defenses and befriend you. - You want to see what the PCs are up to, so you accompany them to catch them in the act of some wrongdoing. - You have made a few enemies and take up with the PCs for protection. - The PCs are the only people who will put up with you. Background Connection --------------------- Your grandparents raised you on a farm far from bustling urban centers. You like to think the instruction they gave you prepared you for anything. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. They commissioned you to do a job for them. You've already been paid but haven't yet completed the job. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Friendly NPC An NPC you don't know, someone you don't know that well, or someone you know but who hasn't been particularly friendly in the past chooses to help you, though doesn't necessarily explain why. Maybe they'll ask you for a favor in return afterward, depending on how much trouble they go to. Perfect Suggestion A follower or other already-friendly NPC suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing. Unexpected Gift An NPC hands you a physical gift you were not expecting, one that helps put the situation at ease if things seem strained, or provides you with a new insight for understanding the context of the situation if there's something you're failing to understand or grasp. Suspicious +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Guarded Artificial Body +3 to your Might Pool and your Speed Pool. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Shell +1 to Armor. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Superintelligent +4 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Drained power also transmits something unwanted-compulsions, afflictions, or alien thoughts. Siphoned power can overload the character, causing feedback. Last Updated: November 5th, 2023 02:53 App Version: 0.10.28