Keshia Pfannerstill from Vega is a Intuitive Human Psion who Travels Through Time in a Scifi world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 10 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 11 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 15 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 0 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Skills ------ Anticipation (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) You look ahead to see how your actions might unfold. The first task you perform before the end of the next round gains an asset. Action. Distortion (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2) You modify how a willing creature within short range reflects light for one minute. The target rapidly shifts between its normal appearance and a blot of darkness. The target has an asset on Speed defense rolls until the effect wears off. Action to initiate. Erase memories (Pool:Intellect, Cost:3) You reach into the mind of a creature within immediate range and make an Intellect roll. On a success, you erase up to the last five minutes of its memory. Action. Push (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2) You telekinetically push a creature or object an immediate distance in any direction you wish. You must be able to see the target, which must be your size or smaller, must not be affixed to anything, and must be within short range. The push is quick, and the force is too crude to be manipulated. For example, you can't use this ability to pull a lever or close a door. Action. Shatter (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2+) You interrupt the fundamental force holding normal matter together for a moment, causing the detonation of an object you choose within long range. The object must be a small, mundane item composed of homogeneous matter (such as a clay cup, an iron ingot, a stone, and so on). The object explodes in an immediate radius, dealing 1 point of damage to all creatures and objects in the area. If you apply Effort to increase the damage, you deal 2 additional points of damage per level of Effort (instead of 3 points); targets in the area take 1 point of damage even if you fail the attack roll. Action. Trained in perception tasks (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Know what to do (Inability) You can act immediately, even if it's not your turn. Afterward, on your next regular turn, any action you take is hindered. You can do this one time, although the ability is renewed each time you make a recovery roll. Medium weapons (Inability) Medium Weapons Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Cyphers ------- Limit: 3 Convenient Sustenance (Level: 6) You find out a non-sapient creature you killed or local flora is edible, and salvage enough meat or other provisions to eat, provided you take 10 minutes to prepare it. Eating it restores Might points equal to the cypher level. Subtle Detonation (Sonic) (Level: 5) Projects a small physical explosive up to a long distance away that explodes with terrifying sound, deafening all in an immediate radius for ten minutes per cypher level. Manifest Effort Enhancer (Combat) (Level: 2) For the next hour, the user can apply one free level of Effort to any task (including a combat task) without spending points from a Pool. The free level of Effort provided by this cypher does not count toward the maximum amount of Effort a character can normally apply to one task. Once this free level of Effort is used, the effect of the cypher ends. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- A Psion is also known as a Adept Psion You master powers or abilities outside the experience, understanding, and sometimes belief of others. They might be magic, psychic powers, mutant abilities, or just a wide variety of intricate devices, depending on the setting. Adepts are usually thoughtful, intelligent types. They often think carefully before acting and rely heavily on their supernatural abilities. (“Magic” here is a term used very loosely. It's a catch-all for the kinds of wondrous, possibly supernatural things that your character can do that others cannot. It might actually be an expression of technological devices, channeling spirits, mutations, psionics, nanotechnology, or any number of other sources.) Intuitive You are often tickled by a sense of knowing what someone will say, how they will react, or how events might unfold. Maybe you have a mutant sense, maybe you can see just a few moments ahead through time, or maybe you're just good at reading people and extrapolating a situation. Whatever the case, many who look into your eyes immediately glance away, as if afraid of what you might see in their expression. Human You are the definition of the average humanoid. As a group, they have average might, speed and intellect. But behind the average human lies a saga of untapped potential, a story poised to leap the bounds of the ordinary and venture into the realm of the extraordinary. Travels Through Time You can see through time, try to reach through it, and eventually even travel through it. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - You just knew you had to come along. - You convinced one of the other PCs that your intuition is invaluable. - You felt that something terrible would happen if you didn't go. - You're confident the reason you arrived at this point will soon become clear. Background Connection --------------------- You owe money to a number of people and don't have the funds to pay your debts. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. You recently had a possession go missing, and you're becoming convinced that they took it. Whether or not they did is up to them. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Advantageous Malfunction A device being used against you malfunctions. It might harm the user or one of their allies for a round, or activate a dramatic and distracting side effect for a few rounds. Convenient Idea A flash of insight provides you with a clear answer or suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing. Inexplicably Unbroken An inactive, ruined, or presumed-destroyed device temporarily activates and performs a useful function relevant to the situation. This is enough to buy you some time for a better solution, alleviate a complication that was interfering with your abilities, or just get you one more use out of a depleted cypher or artifact. Innate +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Intuitive Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Paradoxes are created. Others remember past events differently. Last Updated: November 5th, 2023 02:53 App Version: 0.10.28