Perpetual Query Processor from Rigel is a Perceptive Artificially Intelligent Scientist who Talks To Machines with a Skills And Knowledge Flavor in a Scifi world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 15 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 14 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 17 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 1 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Limited recovery Resting restores points only to your Intellect Pool, not to your Might Pool or your Speed Pool. Machine vulnerabilities and invulnerabilities Damaging effects and other threats that rely on an organic system-poison, disease, cell disruption, and so on-have no effect on you. Neither do beneficial drugs or other effects. Conversely, things that normally affect only inorganic or inanimate objects can affect you, as can effects that disrupt machines. Mechanics, not medicines Conventional healing methods, including the vast majority of restorative devices and medicines, do not restore points to any of your Pools. You can recover points to your Intellect Pool only by resting, and you can recover points to your Speed and Might Pools only through repair. The difficulty of the repair task is equal to the number of points of damage sustained, to a maximum of 10. Repairing your Might and Speed Pools are always two different tasks. No need for weapons When you make an unarmed attack (such as a punch or kick), it counts as a medium weapon instead of a light weapon. Enabler. Skills ------ Distant interface (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2, Inability) You can activate, deactivate, or control a machine at long range as if you were next to it, even if normally you would have to touch or manually operate it. If you have never interacted with the particular machine before, the task is hindered by two steps. To use this ability, you must understand the function of the machine, it must be your size or smaller, and it can't be connected to another intelligence (or be intelligent itself). Action. Muscles of iron (Pool:Might, Cost:2) For the next ten minutes, all Might-based actions other than attack rolls that you attempt are eased. If you already have this ability from another source, the effect of this ability lasts for one hour instead of ten minutes. Enabler. Block (Pool:Speed, Cost:3) You automatically block the next melee attack made against you within the next minute. Action to initiate. Danger sense (Pool:Speed, Cost:1) Your initiative task is eased. You pay the cost each time the ability is used. Enabler. Machine affinity (Trained) You are trained in tasks involving electrical machines. Enabler. You have an eye for detail (Trained) You are trained in any task that involves finding or noticing small details. You know a little about everything (Trained) You are trained in any task that involves identifying objects or calling to mind a minor detail or bit of trivia. Your skill at making deductions can be imposing (Trained) You are trained in any task that involves intimidating another creature. Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Medium weapons (Practiced) Medium Weapons Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Uncanny valley (Inability) You have a hard time relating to organic beings, and they don't react well to you. All positive interaction tasks with such beings are hindered by two steps. Your confidence comes off as arrogance to people who don't know you (Inability) Any task involving positive social interactions is hindered. Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Medium Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:4 Type:Medium Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A medium weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Disposal (Level: 5) A single, small item disappears from the scene—likely never to be seen again. The method of disposal can be improbable but should be appropriate for the environment and type of object, such as falling to the bottom of a river, malfunctioning, or snapping in half. You can use this to remove an object from the possession of another creature within immediate range with a successful attack roll. Subtle Meditation Aid (Level: 5) Restores a number of points equal to the cypher's level to the user's Intellect Pool. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - You have a bag of light tools. Granted from Perceptive. - Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- A Scientist is also known as a Explorer Scientist You are a person of action and physical ability, fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, and discover new things. This means you're physical but also probably knowledgeable. Although Explorers can be academics or well studied, they are first and foremost interested in action. They face grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a routine part of life. Perceptive You miss little. You pick out the small details in the world around you and are skilled at making deductions from the information you find. Your talents make you an exceptional sleuth, a formidable scientist, or a talented scout. As adept as you are at finding clues, you have no skill at picking up on social cues. You overlook an offense that your deductions give or how uncomfortable your scrutiny can make the people around you. You tend to dismiss others as being intellectual dwarfs compared to you, which avails you little when you need a favor. Artificially Intelligent You are a machine-not just a sentient machine, but a sapient one. Your awareness might make you an exception, or there may be many like you, depending on the setting. Artificially intelligent characters have machine minds of one type or another. This can involve an advanced computer brain, but it could also be a liquid computer, a quantum computer, or a network of smart dust particles creating an ambient intelligence. You might even have been an organic creature whose mind was uploaded into a machine. Your body, of course, is also a machine. Most people refer to you as a robot or an android, although you know neither term describes you very well, as you are as free-willed and free-thinking as they are. Talks To Machines You use your organic brain like a computer, interfacing "wirelessly" with any electronic device. You can control and influence them in ways that others can't. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - You overheard the other PCs discussing their mission and volunteered your services. - One of the PCs asked you to come along, believing that your talents would be invaluable to the mission. - You believe that the PCs' mission is somehow related to one of your investigations. - A third party recruited you to follow the PCs and see what they were up to. Background Connection --------------------- Your best friend from your youth is now an influential member of the government. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. You fear that character is jealous of your abilities and worry that it might lead to problems. Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Fortuitous Malfunction A trap or a dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you. Serendipitous Landmark Just when it seems like the path is lost (or you are), a trail marker, a landmark, or simply the way the terrain or corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this point. Weak Strain The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that it would have otherwise. Smart +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Perceptive Artificial Body +3 to your Might Pool and your Speed Pool. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Shell +1 to Armor. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Superintelligent +4 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Artificially Intelligent Possible GM intrusion from your focus: The machine malfunctions or acts unpredictably. Last Updated: November 5th, 2023 02:53 App Version: 0.10.28