# ExportedAt:November 4th, 2023 19:53 AppVersion:0.10.28 # tier, name, descriptor, (optional second descriptor), type, focus, flavor; one per line, in this order 1 Ira Paucek from Sirius B Risk Taking Human Warrior Focuses Mind Over Matter Magic Flavor # might, speed, intellect plus edge 13 1 15 0 10 1 # Special Abilities Combat Prowess Divert Attacks Improved Edge No Need For Weapons Overwatch # Skills Practiced Heavy Weapons Practiced Light Weapons Practiced Medium Weapons Pressing Your Luck Inability You May Be Nimble, But You're Not Sneaky Trained Adept At Leveraging Risk, And You Are Trained In Tasks That Involve Some Element Of Chance, Such As Playing Games Or Choosing Between Two Or Three Apparently Equal Options # Attacks Light Weapon Punch Medium Weapon Medium Weapon Medium Weapon Medium Weapon # Cyphers Perfection 6 Radiation Spike 10 # Equipment Appropriate clothing and two weapons of your choice, plus one expensive item, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment.