Sizzlefoot is a Chaotic Halfling Thief who Explores Dark Places with a Stealth Flavor in a Fantasy world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 13 Edge: 1 Defense: Inability Speed: ______ Pool: 16 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 11 Edge: 1 Defense: Specialized Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 0 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Advantage When you use 1 XP to reroll a d20 for any roll that affects only you, add 3 to the reroll. Chaotic Once after each ten-hour recovery roll, if you don't like the first result, you can reroll a die roll of your choice. If you do, and regardless of the outcome, the GM presents you with a GM intrusion. Improved edge Choose one of your Edge stats that is 0. It increases to 1. Enabler. Skills ------ Decipher (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) If you spend one minute examining a piece of writing or code in a language you do not understand, you can make an Intellect roll of difficulty 3 (or higher, based on the complexity of the language or code) to get the gist of the message. Action to initiate. Knowledge skills (Trained) You are trained in two skills in which you are not already trained. Choose two areas of knowledge such as history, geography, archeology, and so on. You can select this ability multiple times. Each time you select it, you must choose two different skills. Enabler. Superb explorer (Trained) You are trained in searching, listening, climbing, balancing, and jumping tasks. Enabler. Trained in intellect defense (Trained) Trained in intellect defense actions (Trained) Trained in pleasant social interactions (Trained) Trained in stealth (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Medium weapons (Practiced) Medium Weapons Practiced with all weapons (Practiced) You become practiced with light, medium, and heavy weapons and suffer no penalty when using any kind of weapon. Enabler. Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Your body is a bit worn from occasional excesses (Inability) Might defense tasks are hindered. Your small size makes some physical tasks difficult (Inability) Might-based tasks are hindered. Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Medium Weapon Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:4 Type:Medium Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A medium weapon of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Cyphers ------- Limit: 2 Honeyed Words (Level: 1) You gain incredible insight as to what an NPC you can observe wants or needs. For the next ten minutes, your deception and persuasion tasks made toward that target gain an asset. If the cypher level is 5 or higher, you gain two assets instead. Subtle Rumour Mill (Level: 7) You say something—true or not—about a particular person or group. Creatures who hear and understand your words and whose level does not exceed the cypher's believe the statement until it is otherwise proven untrue. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- A Thief is also known as a Explorer Thief You are a person of action and physical ability, fearlessly facing the unknown. You travel to strange, exotic, and dangerous places, and discover new things. This means you're physical but also probably knowledgeable. Although Explorers can be academics or well studied, they are first and foremost interested in action. They face grave dangers and terrible obstacles as a routine part of life. Chaotic Danger doesn't mean much to you, mainly because you don't think much about repercussions. In fact, you enjoy sowing surprises, just to see what will happen. The more unexpected the result, the happier you are. Sometimes you are particularly manic, and for the sake of your companions, you restrain yourself from taking actions that you know will lead to disaster. Halfling Three feet tall and proud, you are fond of the comforts of home but itching for a little adventure now and then. Small and quick, you have a way of getting along with everyone. You might have been raised in a halfling village, a mixed community where humans and the small folk work and eat side by side as friends, or a less welcoming environment where your people get things done using deception and criminal activity. You and humans have a lot in common-you're just more compact and efficient about it. Explores Dark Places You're the archetypal treasure hunter, scavenger, and finder of lost things. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - Another PC recruited you while you were on your best behavior, before realizing how chaotic you were. - You have reason to believe that being with the other PCs will help you gain control over your erratic behavior. - Another PC released you from captivity, and to thank them, you volunteered to help. - You have no idea how you joined the PCs. You're just going along with it for now until answers present themselves. Background Connection --------------------- You served in the military with honor. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. That character has a habit that annoys you, but you're otherwise quite impressed with their abilities." Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Fortuitous Malfunction A trap or a dangerous device malfunctions before it can affect you. Serendipitous Landmark Just when it seems like the path is lost (or you are), a trail marker, a landmark, or simply the way the terrain or corridor bends, rises, or falls away suggests to you the best path forward, at least from this point. Weak Strain The poison or disease turns out not to be as debilitating or deadly as it first seemed, and inflicts only half the damage that it would have otherwise. Tumultuous +4 to your Speed Pool. Granted from Chaotic Agile +2 to your Speed Pool. Granted from Halfling Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Possessions fall out of pockets or bags in the dark; maps get lost; information gained fails to include an important detail. Last Updated: September 24th, 2023 01:26 App Version: 0.09.15 Website: