Voltus is a Strong Willed Helborn Shaman who Rides The Lightning in a Fantasy world -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Might: ______ Pool: 10 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Speed: ______ Pool: 12 Edge: 0 Defense: Practiced Intellect: ______ Pool: 18 Edge: 1 Defense: Practiced Initiative: Practiced Effort: 1 Armor: 0 Experience Points: 0 Recovery Roll: 1d6+1 Rested > 1 Action > 10 Minutes > 1 Hour > 10 Hours Damage Track: Hale > Impaired > Debilitated Special Abilities ----------------- Helborn magic You are inherently magical. Choose one low-tier ability from the Abilities chapter. If the GM agrees it is appropriate, you gain that ability as part of your helborn heritage, and can use it like any other type or focus ability. Inner evil You sometimes lose control and risk hurting your allies. When you roll a 1, the GM has the option to intrude by indicating that you lose control. Once you've lost control, you attack any and every living creature within short range. You can't spend Intellect points for any reason other than to try to regain control (a difficulty 2 task). After you regain control, you suffer a -1 penalty to all rolls for one hour. Skills ------ Charge (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1+) You can charge an artifact or other device (except a cypher) so that it can be used once. The cost is 1 Intellect point plus 1 point per level of the device. Action. Distortion (Pool:Intellect, Cost:2) You modify how a willing creature within short range reflects light for one minute. The target rapidly shifts between its normal appearance and a blot of darkness. The target has an asset on Speed defense rolls until the effect wears off. Action to initiate. Hedge magic (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) You can perform small tricks: temporarily change the color or basic appearance of a small object, cause small objects to float through the air, clean a small area, mend a broken object, prepare (but not create) food, and so on. You can't use Hedge Magic to harm another creature or object. Action. Onslaught (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) You attack a foe using energies that assail either their physical form or their mind. In either case, you must be able to see your target. If the attack is physical, you emit a short-range ray of force that inflicts 4 points of damage. If the attack is mental, you focus your mental energy to blast the thought processes of another creature within short range. This mindslice inflicts 2 points of Intellect damage (ignores Armor). Some creatures without minds (such as robots) might be immune to your mindslice. Action. Resonance field (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) Faint lines in a color you choose form a tracery over your entire body and emit faint light. The effect lasts for one minute. Whenever a creature within immediate range makes an attack against you, the pattern energizes to block the attack. You can make an Intellect defense roll in place of the defense roll you would normally make. If you do so and you get a minor effect, the creature attacking you takes 1 point of damage. If you get a major effect, the creature attacking you takes 4 points of damage. Action to initiate. Shock (Pool:Intellect, Cost:1) Your hands crackle with electricity, and the next time you touch a creature, you inflict 3 points of damage. Alternatively, if you wield a weapon, for ten minutes it crackles with electricity and inflicts 1 additional point of damage per attack. Action for touch; enabler for weapon. Trained in resisting mental effects (Trained) Trained in tasks related to magic lore and lore of the underworld (Trained) Trained in tasks requiring incredible focus or concentration (Trained) Light weapons (Practiced) Light Weapons Heavy weapons (Inability) Heavy Weapons Medium weapons (Inability) Medium Weapons People distrust you (Inability) Tasks to persuade or deceive are hindered. Willful doesn't mean brilliant (Inability) Any task that involves figuring out puzzles or problems, memorizing things, or using lore is hindered. Attacks ------- Punch Cost:Free Stat:Might Damage:2 Type:Light Skill:Practiced Distance:Immediate A right jab. Attacks are eased by 1 for Light weapons Cyphers ------- Limit: 3 Efficacy Boost (Major) (Level: 5) This cypher boosts an ability that requires a skill roll. The use of the ability is eased by two steps. This kind of cypher might be appropriate only in superhero campaigns, at least with any regularity.) Power Boost Premonition (Level: 6) When you use this cypher, describe a course of action your character might take. The GM will give you a truthful prediction, based on the likely results of that action: good, bad, good and bad, or neutral. If the cypher level is 5 or higher, the GM reveals one piece of specific relevant information about the outcome. Subtle Revitalize (Level: 8) You restore points to your a Pool equal to the cypher level. Roll a d10 to determine the Pool: Rolled a 3. Might. Subtle Equipment --------- Money: 0 - Appropriate clothing, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment. Improvements ------------ Tier: 1 [ ] Increase Capabilities [ ] Move Toward Perfections [ ] Extra Effort [ ] Skill Training Background ---------- A Shaman is also known as a Adept Shaman You master powers or abilities outside the experience, understanding, and sometimes belief of others. They might be magic, psychic powers, mutant abilities, or just a wide variety of intricate devices, depending on the setting. Adepts are usually thoughtful, intelligent types. They often think carefully before acting and rely heavily on their supernatural abilities. (“Magic” here is a term used very loosely. It's a catch-all for the kinds of wondrous, possibly supernatural things that your character can do that others cannot. It might actually be an expression of technological devices, channeling spirits, mutations, psionics, nanotechnology, or any number of other sources.) Strong Willed You're tough-minded, willful, and independent. No one can talk you into anything or change your mind when you don't want it changed. This quality doesn't necessarily make you smart, but it does make you a bastion of willpower and resolve. You likely dress and act with unique style and flair, not caring what others think. Helborn Demons of the underworld sometimes escape. When they do, they can taint human bloodlines. Things like you are the result of such unnatural unions. Part human and part something else, you are an orphan of a supernatural dalliance. Thanks to your unsettling appearance, you've probably been forced to make your own way in a world that often fears and resents you. Some of your kin have large horns, tails, and pointed teeth. Others are more subtle or more obvious in their differences-a shadow of a knife-edge in their face and a touch that withers normal plants, a little too much fire in their eyes and a scent of ash in the air, a forked tongue, goatlike legs, or the inability to cast a shadow. Work with the GM on your particular helborn appearance. Rides The Lightning You create and discharge electrical power. Choose how you became involved in the adventure: - Against your better judgment, you joined the other PCs because you saw that they were in danger. - One of the other PCs convinced you that joining the group would be in your best interests. - You're afraid of what might happen if the other PCs fail. - There is reward involved, and you need the money. Background Connection --------------------- Your family owns a large vineyard nearby known to all for its fine wine and fair business dealings. Focus Connection ---------------- Pick one other PC. They are especially sensitive to the use of your flashier focus abilities, and occasionally they become dazzled for a few rounds, which hinders their actions." Notes ----- Possible player intrusions based on your character type: Advantageous Malfunction A device being used against you malfunctions. It might harm the user or one of their allies for a round, or activate a dramatic and distracting side effect for a few rounds. Convenient Idea A flash of insight provides you with a clear answer or suggests a course of action with regard to an urgent question, problem, or obstacle you're facing. Inexplicably Unbroken An inactive, ruined, or presumed-destroyed device temporarily activates and performs a useful function relevant to the situation. This is enough to buy you some time for a better solution, alleviate a complication that was interfering with your abilities, or just get you one more use out of a depleted cypher or artifact. Willful +4 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Strong Willed Devious +2 to your Intellect Pool. Granted from Helborn Fire Adapted +2 to Armor against damage from fire only. Granted from Helborn Possible GM intrusion from your focus: Targets other than those intended are shocked. Objects explode. Last Updated: September 24th, 2023 01:26 App Version: 0.09.15 Website: https://app.lostcompanypress.com