# ExportedAt:September 23rd, 2023 18:26 AppVersion:0.09.15 Create a free account and import this file at https://app.lostcompanypress.com # tier, name, descriptor, (optional second descriptor), type, focus, flavor; one per line, in this order 1 Elorian Charming Human Speaker Entertains # might, speed, intellect plus edge 10 0 12 0 14 1 # Special Abilities Enthrall Levity Spin Identity Terrifying Presence Understanding # Skills Inability Heavy Weapons Practiced Light Weapons Inability Medium Weapons Contact Inability You Were Never Good At Studying Or Retaining Facts Trained Trained In All Tasks Involving Positive Or Pleasant Social Interaction Trained Trained When Using Special Abilities That Influence The Minds Of Others Inability Your Willpower Is Not One Of Your Strong Points # Attacks Light Weapon Punch Light Weapon Light Weapon # Cyphers Staggering Strike 4 Telepathy 5 # Equipment You've managed to talk your way into some decent discounts and bonuses in recent weeks. As a result, you have enough cash jangling in your pocket to purchase a moderately priced item. Granted from Charming. Appropriate clothing and a light weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment.