# ExportedAt:September 23rd, 2023 18:26 AppVersion:0.09.15 Create a free account and import this file at https://app.lostcompanypress.com # tier, name, descriptor, (optional second descriptor), type, focus, flavor; one per line, in this order 1 Gromthar Mighty Half Giant Warrior Defends The Weak # might, speed, intellect plus edge 20 0 12 1 10 1 # Special Abilities Combat Prowess Courageous Improved Edge Overwatch Practiced In Armor Warding Shield # Skills Practiced Heavy Weapons Practiced Light Weapons Practiced Medium Weapons Healthy Trained Trained In Might Defense Tasks Trained Trained In All Actions Involving Lifting And Throwing Things Breaker Mass And Strength Inability Too Large To Accomplish Normal Things # Attacks Light Weapon Punch Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon Heavy Weapon Medium Weapon Medium Weapon # Cyphers Repel 2 Stim 2 # Equipment You have a heavy weapon of your choice. Granted from Half Giant. Appropriate clothing and two weapons of your choice, plus one expensive item, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment. Armor of your choice. Granted from Practiced In Armor.