# ExportedAt:September 23rd, 2023 18:26 AppVersion:0.09.15 Create a free account and import this file at https://app.lostcompanypress.com # tier, name, descriptor, (optional second descriptor), type, focus, flavor; one per line, in this order 1 Sarion Learned Human Adept Separates Mind From Body # might, speed, intellect plus edge 11 0 11 0 14 1 # Special Abilities Magic Training Push Resonance Field Shatter Third Eye # Skills Inability Heavy Weapons Practiced Light Weapons Inability Medium Weapons Inability You Have Few Social Graces Trained Trained In Three Areas Of Knowledge Of Your Choice # Attacks Light Weapon Punch # Cyphers Damage Boost 6 Momentum 1 Triumph 5 # Equipment You have two additional books on topics of your choice. Granted from Learned. Appropriate clothing, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items of your choice. Granted from Starting Equipment.