# ExportedAt:September 23rd, 2023 18:26 AppVersion:0.09.15 Create a free account and import this file at https://app.lostcompanypress.com # tier, name, descriptor, (optional second descriptor), type, focus, flavor; one per line, in this order 1 Ssyrak Impulsive Lizardfolk Explorer Rages Combat Flavor # might, speed, intellect plus edge 11 1 17 0 10 0 # Special Abilities Find The Way Frenzy Practiced With All Weapons Practiced With Medium Weapons Surging Confidence # Skills Inability Heavy Weapons Practiced Light Weapons Practiced Medium Weapons Inability You'll Try Anything Once, But Quickly Grow Bored After That Trained Trained In Speed Defense Actions Trained Trained In Initiative Actions (To Determine Who Goes First In Combat) Practiced Practiced In Using Javelins And Spears Trained Trained In Balancing, Jumping, And Swimming Trained Trained In Hunting And Tracking Inability Your Slightly Clawed Hands Make Fine Detail Work Difficult # Attacks Light Weapon Punch Medium Weapon Spear Light Weapon Javelin Medium Weapon Medium Weapon # Cyphers Detonation (Massive) 5 Effort Enhancer (Noncombat) 1 # Equipment You have a spear and a pair of javelins. Granted from Lizardfolk. Appropriate clothing and a weapon of your choice, plus two expensive items, two moderately priced items, and up to four inexpensive items. Granted from Starting Equipment.