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The world as we knew it has changed drastically since the comet struck the Mariana Trench in 2084. You’ve seen the devastation—the way the waters have poisoned us, turning what’s left of humanity and wildlife into grotesque mutations. Yet, there’s hope. I’m Jax, leader of the Dustborn Alliance, and I believe you have the potential to make a difference. We’re on a mission to capture the alien leeches, known as the bloo, that have been wreaking havoc on our world. With their dust, we can cure the illnesses and mutations that plague our people. It’s not just about survival; it’s about reclaiming our future.

Joining the Dustborn Alliance means more than just fighting for your own survival. It’s about becoming part of something larger than yourself, something that has the power to save countless lives. The Bloo may be terrifying, but within their grotesque bodies lies a cure that can turn the tide of our struggles. Imagine a world where children don’t grow up fearing their own mutations, where families aren’t torn apart by diseases we can’t control. That’s the world we’re fighting for. I’ve seen the fire in your eyes, the determination. You have the strength we need, and together, we can bring hope back to humanity.

I won’t lie to you—this path is fraught with danger. The Bloo are relentless, and the journey to capture them will test your limits. But every step we take brings us closer to a cure, closer to a world where the horrors of the past can be left behind. Your skills, your courage, they can make a real difference. We need people like you—brave, resourceful, and unyielding. Join us, and together, we’ll forge a new path for humanity, one where hope is not a distant dream but a tangible reality. The Dustborn Alliance is more than a group of adventurers; it’s a beacon of hope. Will you be the hero who helps us light the way?

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Thorne is a Flutter Speaker who Remembers The Past

You emerged from the chrysalis with your mind awash in skills instilled while you matured, as well as knowledge handed down from your ancestors. If the stories are true, some of your knowledge comes from even further back, ceded by godlike “humans” who raised flutters into the light of self-knowledge. That was before humans were lost, leaving the world in ruins. Ruins that are now yours to refurbish and rebuild or, as many prefer, to ignore while you instead go your own way. Humans may have created you, but they’re gone, and you can decide what you think you owe them, if anything.

As a flutter, you are kin to the much smaller natural moths that still flit by night. But you have an internal skeleton and lungs, and are far larger. For all that, you also have wings, a proboscis, and much thinner limbs than the average animal still roaming the world.

You are a student of the before-times. Maybe that’s because you grew up in the ruins of an old library and read everything as your hobby, you found a friendly AI archivist who taught you about how things once were, you’re long-lived and were alive before the apocalypse, or you have a deep recollection of the world before the end for some other reason. This knowledge gives you an appreciation of the before-times as well as a point of view that many other survivors lack that benefits you in and around ruins. You can find things others wouldn’t know to look for, plucking fruits of the past that would otherwise go unharvested.

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Hawk is a Roach Adept who Prepped For The End

You are born of a species of evolved insects once called “cockroach,” but that is far in the past. Radiation and forced evolution have radically increased your size, shape, and ability to think. Your exoskeleton mimics the shape of a human being, though not perfectly. When you move about human society, shadows and cloaks are your ally if you wish to pass unnoticed. When those of your kind are discovered, it usually goes poorly for someone. You, however, have a wandering spirit and seek to explore the fallen world and find a new way forward.

You prepared for ultimate disaster, unlike most of the sheeple. Which means you stashed away food, water, and other survival gear when things were still okay. You trained yourself for harsh conditions, for basic machine and electronic repair, and maybe even in a musical instrument to pass the time in the bunker when no other entertainments could be had. You’d excel in a small group of other survivors, but you’re ready to go it alone if that’s what it takes. Above all, you’re prepared to make it through whatever the future holds, no matter how daunting the odds. Because you prepped wisely.

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Blade is a Canien Adept who Looks For Trouble

You’re an evolved, intelligent dog with the ability to speak and use tools. Some caniens stand upright and have hands, and others are quadrupeds who can use a combination of their front paws and mouth as adroitly as a handed canien; you decide which kind of canien you are. Most canien clothing and equipment accommodates walking on either two feet or four, so that’s normally not an issue. Either way, you’ve got fur, a tail, and a noble dog visage true to your particular line of descent. And like most caniens, you’re loyal to your pack and friends. But you may find strangers a little suspicious, in which case you aren’t shy about letting them know. However, you’re usually willing to entertain the idea that a newcomer may be a friend you just don’t know yet.

You’re a scrapper and love a good fight.

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Ember is a Felis Explorer who Murders

You’re an evolved, intelligent cat with the ability to speak and use tools. Felis are equally comfortable running on all fours or standing around in a clowder of other felis gossiping over catswort tea. Your fur is your protection from the elements, but you sometimes wear a harness for your equipment and may adopt boots for rough terrain and hats for fashion or function. Your visage is like that of before-times cats, including piercing, reflective eyes. Like other felis, you are crafty and cautious, unless you feel comfortable with others, in which case you can laze away hours in the sun or a warm spot. But if need be, you are quick to act and are not afraid to use your claws to defend yourself.

You’re an assassin, whether by trade, by inclination, or because it was that or be killed yourself. (Someone who Murders might have additional equipment, including three doses of a level 2 blade poison that inflicts 5 points of damage.)

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Raven is a Morlock Speaker who Helps Their Friends

You have lived your life deep underground in artificial bunkers, hidden from the world’s destruction and the brutal scavengers that live above. As a morlock, you have a keen mind for the technology salvaged from the before-time. In fact, every morlock comes of age by fitting a piece of morlock technology to its body to provide enhancement and extend its life. This means that you are part flesh and part machine. Your skin is as pale as milk, except where it’s been replaced with strips of metal and glowing circuits.

You love your friends and help them out of any difficulty, no matter what.

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Rook is a Shiny Warrior who Never Says Die

You’re brash and bright, and you exult in situations, people, and objects that seem to you as if they have a similar sheen. Literally shiny objects qualify, as well as objects that are not rusted or degraded by time’s passage or the effects of the apocalypse. You also tend to fall into the orbit of people who are strong, unbeaten, and possessed of an inner brightness. You believe that they, like you, reflect the light of some greater spiritual purpose in the world. When you believe you are acting in that glow, you are emboldened and may take risks others fear. You don’t seek death, but you’re confident that death in the pursuit of something shiny is the definition of a life well-lived.

You never quit, can shrug off a beating, and always come back for more.

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Wren is a Bitter Explorer who Performs Feats Of Strength

Someone you cared for wronged you. They may have done so directly by betraying a trust, stealing your supplies, or giving you up to raiders to save their own life. Maybe they did it indirectly by going missing or dying on you. Or maybe it was an organization or institution that let you down. Whatever it was, you’ve spent a lot of time pulled into yourself, paranoid and mistrustful of others. But something’s happened lately that has at least opened you to the possibility of trusting others again. Maybe you have to work with someone else or die. Alternatively, perhaps you’ve decided to try one more time, despite your disillusionment. It’s either that or fully give in to bitterness.

A muscled prodigy, you can haul incredible weight, hurl your body through the air, and punch through doors.

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Axel is a Mutant Explorer who Moves Like A Cat

Savage forces strong enough to destroy a world left you transformed. Either through latent mutations passed down from ancestors that survived the apocalypse, or because something about you reacts when you’re exposed to radiation or some other mutagenic source, you are prone to mutation. You might look relatively similar to others of your species, or you might have one or more obvious physical differences that make it hard to disguise your nature. Not that you necessarily want to hide what you are; you might wish to proudly display what makes you different and, to your mind, better.

Lithe, flexible, and graceful, you move quickly and smoothly, and never seem to be where danger is.

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Echo is a Rusted Adept who Merges Mind With Machine

Life has dealt you some hard knocks. You lost an eye, an arm, or a leg several years ago, possibly during the apocalypse itself, or perhaps afterward. But you didn’t give up. You adjusted, learning to do everything again, despite what first seemed like a limitation. If you lost a limb, you use a prosthetic; if an eye, you sometimes quip that binocular vision is overrated. Sure, there are times when you struggle with discomfort, pain, and possibly even self-consciousness. However, overcoming all that only makes you stronger and more determined to succeed. Ultimately, your scars, your prosthetic (if any), and your story represent who you are: a survivor who overcomes whatever is thrown your way.

You were raised in an underground bunker by Milly, an AI instance installed in your brain before you developed cognition of your own. Unlike AI zombies, your personality and motivations haven’t been replaced; your sense of self grew alongside the AI, as collaborators rather than foes. This granted you superior intellect and an uncanny knack for computers. Now you’ve emerged into the larger world, where survivors are predisposed to distrust you, and you may need to keep your background a secret to be accepted. Whether you hate AI or remain loyal to Milly, you face the best odds if you can fit in with another group of survivors. After all, there’s a lot you don’t know about how things work on the surface and the things people have done to stay alive in the past twenty years.

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Grit is a Stealthy Warrior who Raids

You’re sneaky, slippery, and fast. These talents help you hide, move quietly, and pull off tricks that require sleight of hand. Most likely, you’re wiry and small. However, you’re not much of a sprinter-you’re more dexterous than fleet of foot.

When civilization fell, you did what you had to do to stay alive. Did you kill innocent people? Probably, insofar as anyone who survived the end can really be considered “innocent.” You figured they’d have done the same to you. But whether they deserved it or not, you and the other raiders you ran with survived, and your targets did not. Then something life-changing happened to you, altering your perspective; it’s up to you to decide what. In any case, you’ve turned over a new leaf. You don’t indiscriminately kill anymore, though surviving is still a goal. But you’ve joined with others who you want to protect as much as or even more than your own life. You’re done with raiding. But is raiding (and those who might recognize you as a raider) done with you?

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Ash is a Exiled Warrior who Walks The Wasteland

You have walked a long and lonely road, leaving your home and your life behind. You might have committed a heinous crime, something so awful that your people forced you out, and if you dare return, you face death. You might have been accused of a crime you didn’t commit and now must pay the price for someone else’s wicked deed. Your exile might be the result of a social gaffe-perhaps you shamed your family or a friend, or you embarrassed yourself in front of your peers, an authority, or someone you respect. Whatever the reason, you have left your old life behind and now strive to make a new one.

Most people want to hide from the devastation or just curl up and die rather than face a hostile world. Not you. You’re determined to see what’s out there, to survive, and, more than that, to thrive. It’s that or let the radioactive rats—or whatever it is that hunts the ruins—get you. If you were around before the end, you could have been a soldier, mercenary, or at least someone who had basic survival training. What sets you apart from all the others like you is that you decided to hope when everything looked darkest. Since then, you have eaten your share of spoiled food and irradiated water, and survived. Whether that’s because you’ve adapted, you’re luckier, or you were just tougher than the rest is anyone’s guess. But you’re still walking the wastes even though so many others are gone. You probably don’t spend a lot of time on your appearance, given that you wear the cobbled-together clothing and bits and pieces of armor you’re able to scavenge from the ruins. Appearance doesn’t matter; actions do.

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Nova is a Clever Explorer who Drives Like A Maniac

You’re quick-witted, thinking well on your feet. You understand people, so you can fool them but are rarely fooled. Because you easily see things for what they are, you get the lay of the land swiftly, size up threats and allies, and assess situations with accuracy. Perhaps you’re physically attractive, or maybe you use your wit to overcome any physical or mental imperfections.

Whether balancing on two wheels, jumping another vehicle, or driving head-on toward an oncoming enemy car, you don’t think about the risks when you’re behind the wheel.

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Sable is a Learned Adept who Learns Quickly

You have studied, either on your own or with an instructor. You know many things and are an expert on a few topics, such as history, biology, geography, mythology, nature, or any other area of study. Learned characters typically carry a few books around with them and spend their spare time reading.

You deal with bad situations as they arise, learning new lessons each time.

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Vex is a Risk-Taking Speaker who Scavenges

It’s part of your nature to question what others think can’t or shouldn’t be done. You’re not insane, of course-you wouldn’t attempt to leap across a mile-wide chasm just because you were dared. There’s impossible and then there’s the just barely possible. You like to push the latter further than others, because it gives you a rush of satisfaction and pleasure when you succeed. The more you succeed, the more you find yourself looking for that next risky challenge to try yourself against.

When not running and hiding, you sift the ruins of civilization for useful remnants to ensure your survival.

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Flint is a Lucky Warrior who Wields Two Weapons At Once

You rely on chance and timely good luck to get you through many situations. When people say that someone was born under a lucky star, they mean you. When you try your hand at something new, no matter how unfamiliar the task is, as often as not you find a measure of success. Even when disaster strikes, it’s rarely as bad as it could be. More often, small things seem to go your way, you win contests, and you’re often in the right place at the right time.

You bear steel with both hands, ready to take on any foe.

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Jax is a Strong Willed Speaker who Leads

You’re tough-minded, willful, and independent. No one can talk you into anything or change your mind when you don’t want it changed. This quality doesn’t necessarily make you smart, but it does make you a bastion of willpower and resolve. You likely dress and act with unique style and flair, not caring what others think.

Your natural leadership capability allows you to command others, including a loyal band of followers.

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Character Introductions

The world had changed dramatically since the comet landed in the Mariana Trench in 2084. Over the centuries, the remnants of humanity and mutated species learned to adapt, forming uneasy alliances to survive the horrors of a new Earth. Among these survivors were four unique beings, each with their own reasons for joining the Dustborn Alliance. Their journey together began in the ruins of a collapsed subterranean tunnel where they stumbled upon a pale-skinned Morlock named Raven. She was part flesh, part machine, and had been trapped while scavenging for ancient technology. When the other members of the Alliance freed her, she joined their cause, driven by a need to help her new friends and escape the painful memories of her past.

Hawk, a Roach adept, had long kept his insect ancestry a secret. His human-like appearance and adept disguise skills allowed him to move freely among humans, but he always felt like an outsider. The Dustborn Alliance gave him a sense of purpose, a way to use his unique skills for the greater good. Hawk was constantly trying to impress the group, particularly Blade, the Canien adept. Blade, a fiercely loyal and intelligent dog, had joined the Alliance after a violent encounter forced him to flee his old life. Though wary of Hawk’s intentions, Blade found solace in the camaraderie of the group, even as he struggled with his tendency to chew on his equipment during moments of stress.

Ember, an agile Felis explorer, had been saved by the Alliance from a raiding band of “cat-skinners.” Her gratitude for their help was tempered by guilt from a past incident where she had left one of them to fend for themselves during a dangerous escape. Though that character had survived, their trust in Ember was fragile. Her assassin skills and stealthy nature made her a valuable asset to the group, but she constantly fought to prove her loyalty and earn forgiveness. The dynamic between Ember and the others added a layer of tension, yet also deepened their bond as they faced numerous dangers together.

Their mission was clear: to capture and harvest baby leeches for their medicinal dust, a substance capable of curing major illnesses and harmful mutations. Led by Jax, the charismatic leader of the Dustborn Alliance, Raven, Hawk, Blade, and Ember set out into the perilous world. Each had their reasons for being there—be it redemption, survival, loyalty, or a quest for belonging. Together, they navigated the treacherous landscapes, battled monstrous bloo, and encountered both allies and enemies. Their journey was fraught with challenges, but it was also filled with moments of camaraderie and hope, as they strived to make a difference in a world teetering on the brink of oblivion.

Remember that one time

The Dustborn Alliance found themselves deep within the overgrown ruins of Old Tokyo, their objective clear but perilous. The mission was simple in theory: capture one of the elusive baby leeches to harvest its miraculous dust. Raven, their Morlock Speaker, scanned the area with their keen, augmented eyes, the pale skin of their face contrasting sharply with the metallic strips and glowing circuits embedded within. Beside them, Hawk, the Roach Adept, clung effortlessly to a crumbling wall, their exoskeleton blending seamlessly with the shadows. Blade, the Canien Adept, sniffed the air, alert to any sign of danger, while Ember, the Felis Explorer, flexed their claws, ready for action but visibly anxious.

“Remember that one time in the Neon Wastes?” Raven whispered, attempting to lighten the mood. “We thought we’d cornered a leech, but it turned out to be a bloated bloat-frog instead.” Hawk chittered softly in response, a sound akin to laughter. “And Blade nearly fell into that toxic sludge pit!” Ember added, their ears twitching at the memory. The shared laughter helped ease the tension, if only for a moment, as they navigated the treacherous terrain. This camaraderie, built over countless dangerous escapades, was their greatest strength.

As they approached the old subway entrance, Raven held up a hand for silence. They could hear the unmistakable slithering of a baby leech echoing from within. “There,” Raven mouthed, pointing into the darkness. Hawk nodded and scuttled forward, their ability to cling to walls giving them an advantage in the narrow, rubble-filled passage. Blade and Ember flanked the entrance, ready to pounce at a moment’s notice. The plan was to lure the leech out into the open, where they could trap it without risking the confined space of the subway.

Suddenly, a high-pitched screech pierced the air as Hawk’s shadowy form lunged back, the baby leech following close behind. “Now!” Raven shouted. Blade leaped forward, using their powerful canine legs to tackle the leech, while Ember darted in to slash at it with their sharp claws. The leech thrashed violently, but Hawk was quick to immobilize it with their adept skills. With the creature secured, Raven approached and extracted the precious dust, their mechanical enhancements whirring softly. “This will save so many lives,” Raven said, holding the vial of dust aloft. They all knew the risks they’d taken, the dangers they’d faced, but in that moment, their mission was a success. And they had each other to thank for it.

Character Introductions

In the desolate landscape of 2835, where the remnants of civilization cling to survival amid the aftermath of a comet impact, a band of unlikely adventurers emerged from the shadows of their shattered world. Jax, the enigmatic leader of the Dustborn Alliance, had a vision: to harness the miraculous properties of the Bloo leeches to cure the rampant mutations plaguing humanity. It was under Jax’s call to arms that Thorne, Wren, Axel, and Echo found themselves bound by a shared purpose, each bringing their unique strengths and haunted pasts to the alliance.

Thorne, the Flutter Speaker who Remembers The Past, had wandered the ruins of old cities, collecting strange souvenirs and fragments of forgotten histories. His path intersected with the adventurers when he misjudged a leap and collided headfirst into them. They patched him up, and he stayed, his knowledge and interaction skills proving invaluable. Yet, his past was not without shadows. He recognized Wren from a long-ago conflict where his unconventional tactics had secured a contentious victory. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, Thorne felt a kinship with the group, driven by a desire to atone and to find meaning in the fractured world.

Wren, a Bitter Explorer who Performs Feats Of Strength, sought redemption. Her rough exterior and impressive physical prowess were a testament to her tumultuous past. The adventurers represented a chance to change her ways, to be more than the bitterness that threatened to consume her. Her brother, a celebrated musician in a band that provided fleeting solace in their performances, was her only remaining family. She found herself trying to impress Axel, whose agility and mutant abilities intrigued her. Though she wouldn’t admit it, their camaraderie began to soften the edges of her bitterness.

Axel, the Mutant Explorer who Moves Like A Cat, owed his life to the adventurers who had rescued him from a mutant chrysalis. His gratitude was matched only by his desire to recover a stolen discovery, a personal vendetta that lingered in his mind. Axel admired Thorne’s cunning but was frequently irked by Echo’s mysterious demeanor and incessant tinkering. Nevertheless, he recognized the importance of their mission and the strength in their unity, contributing his cold resistance and feline agility to their cause.

Echo, the Rusted Adept who Merges Mind With Machine, had her own reasons for joining the Dustborn Alliance. She had been tailing Axel, suspecting him of stealing a precious possession. Her adept abilities and hard-earned resilience made her a formidable ally, though her suspicions often cast a pall over her interactions. Echo’s best friend, another adept, was her confidant in deciphering the world’s technological remnants. Despite her distrust, Echo found herself becoming invested in the group’s quest, driven by a need to uncover truths and mend the world’s fractures with her unique talents.

Together, Thorne, Wren, Axel, and Echo navigated the dangers of their post-apocalyptic world. Under Jax’s guidance, they embarked on a perilous journey to capture the Bloo leeches, their alliance forged in the crucible of survival and bound by the hope that their efforts could bring healing to a world desperately in need.

Remember that one time

The Dustborn Alliance trudged through the desolate wasteland, the sun casting long shadows on the cracked earth. The air was thick with the scent of decay and the distant sound of a Bloo swarm echoed ominously. Thorne, their Flutter Speaker, paused, her delicate wings fluttering as she sensed a shift in the air. “This place,” she murmured, her eyes reflecting the memories of ancient times, “it was once a thriving city.” Her companions, Wren, Axel, and Echo, exchanged glances, each one aware of the danger and promise such places held.

Wren, the Bitter Explorer, scanned the horizon with a furrowed brow. Her brother’s voice echoed in her mind, a distant reminder of a world that seemed like a lifetime ago. She hefted her gear, her muscles rippling with the strength she often showcased to impress Axel. “We should move. The Bloo won’t wait for us to reminisce,” she said, her tone edged with impatience. Axel, the Mutant Explorer with spider legs, nodded in agreement. His eyes darted around, ever wary of the environment, while his mind kept returning to Thorne. Despite her past transgressions, her knowledge and skills had saved them more times than he cared to count.

As they ventured deeper into the ruins, Echo, the Rusted Adept, reached out with his mind to scan the area. “There’s something ahead,” he announced, his voice tinged with excitement. The scan revealed a hidden chamber, its walls lined with ancient technology and a pool of cerulean-5. “This could be what we need,” Echo continued, “but we need to be cautious.” The group moved in, Echo’s mind merging with the machinery to unlock the secrets within. Thorne’s eyes widened as she spotted a rare artifact among the debris, a souvenir from a bygone era that she recognized instantly. It was a key to understanding more about the mutations and the bloo.

Suddenly, a Bloo ambush disrupted their discovery. The grotesque creatures lunged from the shadows, their intent to drain every last drop of water from their prey. Wren sprang into action, her strength and agility unmatched as she fought them off. Axel’s spider legs provided him an edge, allowing him to maneuver and strike with precision. In the chaos, Thorne used her memory-erasing ability on a Bloo that had latched onto Echo, giving him a moment to recover and use his distortion skill to confuse their enemies. The battle was fierce, but their combined efforts drove the Bloo back. As the dust settled, Echo turned to Thorne, his eyes filled with gratitude. “You saved me,” he said, his voice sincere. Thorne nodded, a bond forming between them that would carry forward into their future adventures.

Character Introductions

In the year 2835, the world had long been scarred by the comet that crashed into the Mariana Trench over seven centuries ago. Humanity and nature were twisted, mutated by the new element Cerulean-5 that tainted the water and the alien leeches, known as the bloo, that preyed upon the living. Amidst this chaos, the Dustborn Alliance emerged, a beacon of hope dedicated to capturing baby Bloo and transforming them into a curative dust. Jax, the enigmatic leader of this alliance, had a knack for bringing together the most unlikely of heroes.

Rook was a warrior forged in the fires of hardship. He had spent his youth surviving on the streets and a stint in prison had only hardened his resolve. The post-apocalyptic world offered challenges that Rook relished. His skill in driving ancient vehicles made him invaluable to the Dustborn Alliance, and he joined their ranks seeking the unique thrill of their perilous quests. His path had crossed violently with Grit, a stealthy raider, during a practice session gone wrong. Though Rook’s blow had wounded Grit badly, it remained to be seen whether the raider held a grudge or saw it as a mere accident.

Grit, with his dark past of military conscription and desertion, was a master of stealth and endurance. Secretly hired by an unknown benefactor to join the Dustborn Alliance, Grit’s motivations were shrouded in mystery. His encounter with Rook had left a scar, both physical and emotional, and though he had once been called a coward, Grit’s actions spoke of bravery that few could match. His ability to ignore pain made him a fearsome warrior, one who could push through the direst circumstances without faltering.

Sable, a learned adept, joined the alliance driven by her insatiable curiosity and the potential for groundbreaking discoveries. Her face bore a strange birthmark that often put people off, but her intellect and quick learning were undeniable. She had been commissioned by Flint, the lucky warrior who wielded two weapons with deadly efficiency, to complete a task for him. Flint, ever the charmer and thrill-seeker, had literally bumped into Sable, his luck drawing him into the fold of the alliance. Flint constantly sought to impress Sable, whether out of rivalry, respect, or something more romantic was unclear. Together, these four adventurers, each with their own pasts and skills, formed an unlikely but formidable team, ready to face the dangers of their world and perhaps save it from the brink of destruction.

Remember that one time

The wasteland stretched endlessly around them, a desolate sea of cracked earth and skeletal ruins. Ash, Nova, Jax, and Vex trudged through the dust and debris, their senses sharpened by the ever-present threat of the bloo. They had been tracking a particularly large nest for days, hoping to capture some of the smaller leeches before they grew too large to handle. The sun hung low in the sky, casting long shadows that danced eerily with each gust of wind.

As they approached the nest, nestled within the remains of an old factory, Ash signaled for the group to halt. The air was thick with the stench of decay, a testament to the bloo’s voracious appetite. Nova, ever the quick thinker, pointed out a hidden entrance that would allow them to bypass the main swarm. They moved cautiously, each step calculated and silent. Inside, the nest was a hive of activity, Bloo of various sizes writhing and squelching as they fed on the remnants of the factory’s former inhabitants.

Jax took a deep breath, recalling a lesson from his harsh childhood, and began to formulate a plan. His strong-willed nature and ability to understand the bloo’s behavior allowed him to direct the group with precision. Vex, using her knack for scavenging, quickly rigged a makeshift trap from the factory’s abandoned machinery. Her eyes sparkled with excitement, a stark contrast to Ash’s stoic demeanor. As the trap sprung, capturing several baby leeches, Nova’s clever maneuvering ensured they avoided a larger Bloo that could have spelled their doom.

In the aftermath, as they gathered the precious dust, Ash turned to Nova with an uncharacteristic smile. “Remember that one time, back at the old school?” he said, referring to a previous adventure where Nova’s quick thinking had saved them from a similar fate. Nova chuckled, the bond between them solidifying with each shared memory. Jax and Vex watched, feeling a deep sense of camaraderie and trust. In this desolate world, moments like these were rare treasures, reminding them why they fought so hard to survive and help others.

Artist Credits include: @opentaart and other prominent artists who wish to remain anonymous.

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